
21nd February to 5th March 2017

Erling Krabbe

first update d. 13 august 2017

last update d. 17 august 2017

Marrakech, Morocco d. 21 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMarrakech, Morocco d. 21 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMarrakech, Morocco d. 21 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Marrakech, Morocco d. 21 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Her er en lille beretning fra en naturrejse til den centrale og vestlige del af Marokko, som jeg besøgte fra 21. februar til 5. marts 2017.
Det var mit første besøg i landet, og det blev en god oplevelse. Det er et flot land, med de sneklædte, høje Atlasbjerge med fyrreskove, sten- og sandørkener med høje indlandsklitter, oaser, dromedarer og dadellunde, dybe bjergkløfter og rivende floder, og de frodige, grønne floddale ud mod Atlanterhavskysten ved Sousse.

Ourika Valley, Atlas, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeOurika Valley, Atlas, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Oukaimeden, Ourika Valley, Atlas, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Landet har en utrolig venlig og behagelig befolkning - uden det mindste spor af den "hassle" som holdt mig væk i 1970'erne og 80'erne (desværre, for det betød at jeg aldrig nåede at se Tyndnæbbet Spove inden den uddøde).
Mandeltræerne stod i blomst, og alt var frisk og grønt og forårsagtigt. Mange trækfugle var dog endnu ikke ankommet.

African crimson-winged Finch, Rhodopechys alienus. Ourika Valley, Atlas, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeAfrican crimson-winged Finch, Rhodopechys alienus. Ourika Valley, Atlas, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeLevaillant's Woodpecker, Picus vaillantii, Rhodopechys alienus. Ourika Valley, Atlas, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

African crimson-winged Finch, Rhodopechys alienus and Levaillant's Woodpecker, Picus vaillantii.
Oukaimeden, Ourika Valley, Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 22 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeAtlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeAtlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

I slutningen af februar er det stadig køligt, især i bjergene, hvor det også sneede. Også i ørkenen var det koldt om morgenen og aftenen, men ved kysten var der behageligt varmt med ca. 22 grader.
Men slutningen af februar er for tidligt at se på dagsommerfugle i Marokko. Vi så kun 9 arter på turen. I Atlasbjergene og i ørkenen sås ingen dagsommerfugle overhovedet. Det var kun i de lune og frodige floddale ved kysten ved Agadir, at forårets første dyr var begyndt at flyve. Så blev jeg så meget klogere på det.

Barbary Sheep, Ammotragus lervia. Tizi 'n-Test Pass, Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeBarbary Sheep, Ammotragus lervia. Tizi 'n-Test Pass, Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeBarbary Sheep, Ammotragus lervia. Tizi 'n-Test Pass, Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeBarbary Sheep, Ammotragus lervia. Tizi 'n-Test Pass, Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Barbary Sheep, Ammotragus lervia.
Tizi 'n-Test Pass, Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Hovedoplevelsen for mig på natursiden var at se det sjældne og truede Berberfår, som vi var utroligt heldige at finde oppe i et højt pas i sneen i Atlasbjergene. En anden hovedoplevelse var naturligvis at se eremitibiserne ved dens sidste levested i Afrika, ude ved kysten nord for Agadir. Marokko huser Verdens sidste oprindeligt vildtlevende bestand af denne sjældne og karismatiske fugl. Den yngler nu kun i to kolonier på klippehylder ud mod Atlanterhavet.

Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Argan tree climbing domestic goats. Atlas Mountains, Morocco d. 23 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Qued Tamri, Morocco d. 24 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeNorthern Bald Ibis, Geronticus eremita. Qued Tamri, Morocco d. 24 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Northern Bald Ibis, Geronticus eremita. Qued Tamri, Morocco d. 24 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Yellow Broomrape, Cistance phelypaea. Qued Tamri, , Morocco d. 24 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Yellow Broomrape, Cistance phelypaea. Qued Tamri, Morocco d. 24 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Small riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Outlet of Massa River, Sousse Vallev, Western coast, Agadir, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Small riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

False Smooth Snake, Macroprotodon cucullatus. Mediterranean toad, Bufo spinosus & Helmethead Gecko, Geckonia chazaliae.
Qued Massa, Agadir, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Small riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Greenish Black Tip, Euchloe charlonia and Small White, Pieris rapae.
Qued Massa, Agadir, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Small riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeSmall riverstream, Western coast, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Speckled Wood, Pararge aegeria. Large White, Pieris brassicae & Western Bath White, Pontia daplidice.
Qued Massa, Agadir, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Maghreb Magpie, Pica pica mauritanica. Qued Souss, Agadir, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Maghreb Magpie, Pica mauritanica. Qued Souss, Agadir, Morocco d. 25 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Black Eyed Blue, Glaucopsyche melanops.  Gorges du Dadès, Morocco d. 27 february 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeGorges du Dadès, Morocco d. 27 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Black Eyed Blue, Glaucopsyche melanops. Gorges du Dadès, Morocco d. 27 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Gode fugle på turen var desuden Marmorand, Blå Glente, Ørkenløber, Audouinsmåge, alle fire arter sandhøns – Plettet, Spidshalet, Krone og Sortbuget - i hundredevis ved drikkested en tidlig morgen i ørkenen under højlydt kalden, Faraougle (ørkenart af Stor Hornugle), Rød-halset og Ægyptisk Natravn (sidstnævnte på dayroost i en klit i ørkenen, med morgensolen lige i øjnene), Berbergrønspætte i bjergene, Sortbrynet Kratskade, 13 arter lærker - herunder Hærfuglelærke, Tyknæbbet Lærke, Dupont's Lærke, Bjerglærke, Temmincks Bjerglærke og den nybeskrevne Maghreb Lark, Brunstrubet Digesvale, Tristrams Sanger, Kratsanger, Afri-kansk Ørkensanger, Iberisk Gransanger, Gulbrun Larmdrossel, Moussier's Rødstjert, Berber-stenpikker, Afrikansk Kamoisinfinke oppe i sneen samt og den karismatiske Ørkenspurv i en oase i ørkenen. På en fin havfugletur på Atlanten fra Agadir så vi Balearskråpe, Alm. Skråpe, Lille Stormsvale, Storkjove, Alm. Kjove og masser af suler. Desuden to arter delfiner. Vi fik set hele190 forskellige fuglearter på turen.

Morocco d. 28 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 28 february 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 1 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 1 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMorocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Egyptian Nightjar, Caprimulgus aegyptius saharae. Erg Chebbi, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMorocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMorocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeDesert Sparrow, Passer simplex saharae. Erg Chebbi, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeDesert Sparrow, Passer simplex saharae. Erg Chebbi, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeDesert Sparrow, Passer simplex saharae. Erg Chebbi, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Erg Chebbi, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Rissani, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeRissani, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeRissani, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Brown-necked Raven, Corvus ruficollis and Pharaoh Eagle-Owl, Bubo ascalaphus.
Rissani, Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMorocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 2 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Sommerfugle kneb det som sagt med - de var ikke rigtigt på vingerne endnu, men Grønbroget Kålsommerfugl, Stor og Lille Kålsommerfugl, Svalehale, Skovrandøje, Admiral, Orange Høsommerfugl samt de to afrikanske arter Greenish Blacktip (Euchloe charlonia) og African Grass Blue (Zizeeria knysna) blev det dog til.

Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 4 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMorocco d. 4 march 2017. Photographer; Erling KrabbeMorocco d. 4 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe

Morocco d. 4 march 2017. Photographer; Erling Krabbe


Oman; birds and butterflies photograph by Erling Krabbenovember 2018.

Tibet; mammal and birds photograph by Erling Krabbeoctober 2018.

São Tomé; birds and butterflies photograph by Erling Krabbejanuary 2018.

Morocco; birds and butterflies photographed by Erling Krabbemarch 2017.

Kashmir & Ladakh; birds & butterflies trip by Erling Krabbe july 2016.

Kyrgyzstan; butterflies photograph by Erling Krabbemay - june 2008.


Trip Report PDF
22nd February to 4th March 2017

Woldwide Birding Adventures


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